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Bioshock Infinite Privilege

Usually when I criticise games over social issues, it’s more that I think whoever was responsible kinda lacked a certain perspective or self-reflection to understand what their messages are implying. You know, I don’t need to call someone a sexist for example to point to sexism in what he does....

Bioshock & Tamara De Lempicka

Burial At Sea Announcements for the sequel to the popular Rapture-centric DLC to Bioshock Infinite are making the rounds again, including the key visual painting from the first instalment. I felt this is a good occasion to talk to you about Tamara de Lempicka and her influence on the Bioshock...

From Rapture to Dubai

I will make comparison of two on the surface very similar player journeys, with one key distinction at the core. Bioshock asks and answers all existential questions within its gameplay mechanics for you. While Spec Ops: The Line pushes you – the player in front of the screen – to...

Metal Gear Solid in Unreal Engine 4

A group of indie devs is remaking Metal Gear Solid in Unreal Engine 4... Let's check out the trailer and talk about gains and losses, when doing current gen versions of low spec titles. First, credit where credit is due. Even though, we can expect this project to never get...

Why Marketers Fear The Female Geek

So, there is this story making the rounds where Paul Dini on a podcast explains why execs do not want female viewers for their super hero shows. There's a link in the resources below. But the gist of it is basically "Girls do not buy our merchandise." Sounds horrible right?...


Below you find a couple of disclaimers and infos in accordance with German law. Most of the disclaimers are written in German, so I apologize to my English speaking visitors. Responsible for the content of this site / Verantwortlich für den Inhalt nach § 55 Abs. 2 RStV: Anjin Anhut...

Beyond Fantasy – Gender Performance & Games

Here is a thought: What if games where you save a princess or shoot up hundreds of gangsters aren't primarily escapism and power fantasies for men but real life masculinity performance systems? And what if those systems require sexism in games and games culture to work? And what can be...


For serious business inquiries: (public speaking, consulting, work, publishing, writing and such...), please use For book review submissions and inquiries: please use as well. Follow Say hi, and hit follow on these social media sites. Cheers. Portfolios and business networks: My design portfolio:

Surrealism and Games

Surrealism is a genre in which the psyche, the subconscious and the fears and desires of a person or character are translated into images, spaces, objects and characters. Whenever game designers let you explore the mind or dreams of a character as a virtual space or come up with characters...

Overwatch’s Torbjörn Guide

Great references, step-by-steps and detail shots of Torbjörn from Blizzard's Overwatch. [slb_exclude] [/slb_exclude] Via:

Friedrich Romanticism and Games

Let's get introduced to one of the most video-game-defining artist out there... ...born in 1774. The german painter, Caspar David Friedrich is one of many iconic artists of the romanticism movement and responsible for defining many fundamental tropes in early and modern games. His paintings not only gave fodder for...

Stylized Realism

Stylized realism at first sounds like an oxymoron. Aren't realism and stylization at odds with each other? Yes. And that is why it's time that we talk about this hybrid art form, which got its big break through thanks to computer generated images. While we can find examples of art...

Let’s Get Real About Concept Art

The public perception of what concept art means is severely skewed. While I have to accept that people broadly label art created for games and films concept art, including promotional illustrations, it is necessary to get real about what concept art as a craft actually is. My students and other...

Orwellian Images

First, let's start with a handy explanation of "orwellian" from wikipedia: "Orwellian" is an adjective describing a situation, idea, or societal condition that George Orwell identified as being destructive to the welfare of a free and open society. It denotes an attitude and a brutal policy of draconian control by...

Specialized Game Sound Synth BFXR

BFXR is a free sound synthesizer, specialized to let you make 8-bit/16-bit game sounds on the fly. It no only has very cpable options and a reliable export functionility, it also comes with multiple sound generators – such as "coin", "jump" or "explosion" – to get you started with one...

PDF Repository

Here are many of the articles from the previous versions of available as PDF downloads. Much of the content from these PDFs will be revisited and republished in the new format. The links below contain the most relevant articles or most popular articles from 2010 to 2015. on game...

Under Construction will kick off the new year with a fresh new site, rebuilt from scratch. I expect the site to be up and running on Monday January 11th. Until then visit me on the related social media outlets:

Site Policy

Comments and Safe Space Policy The site frequently features articles, which are of a political nature. Games are culture and every culture is political. I'm a feminist, against racism, homophobia and transphobia, against classism and ableism. My views inform how I play and value games. This is reflected in how...

The Autonomy Question

When it comes to criticism on matters of representation – gender representation or race representation or any other group – It's important and kinda tricky to make sure, we do not debate the real life people and their choices, but keep the focus on the representations of them in media....

What Murdered – Soul Suspect could have been…

Early gothic horror concept art for Murdered – Soul Suspect. The game became much smaller than what these concepts have been exploring, so the mind wanders, what the game could have been. The artist is Yuki Matsuzawa. Scroll down for images: Source:

Support the site

Hey, if you appreciate what I'm doing here and found the information provided useful, please consider supporting my work with a small monetary donation or by donating media to the research library. This blog is run be me on my own expenses and any small tip or other donation goes...